Mate, you wouldent need a frekin nvidia titan x to run "fortnite" the minimum is at least a 1050 to an 1050ti but that can be lower all the way to a nvidia geforce 650m. and to answer the download size question, it's around 23gb to 25gb.. The game itself is 23.4gb. this is with updates included, which you must have to play. this was installed on my gaming laptop to answer your question. the d: drive only contains a fresh install of fornite, while the c: drive houses the launcher.. Fortnite file size has been revealed for this long awaited cooperative multiplayer game where players scavenge and defend with the xbox marketplace coming in at a decent disc size..
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Based on our comprehensive fortnite system requirements analysis we recommend around a 6 year old pc to run fortnite smoothly at 60 fps on high graphics settings.. Fortnite install size has been the game is also xbox one x enhanced featuring 4k resolution with textures at the pc max epic setting. fortnite is an odd title pc system analysis for fortnite fortnite season 5 requirements are still low.. Fortnite file size has been revealed for this long awaited cooperative multiplayer game where players scavenge and defend with the xbox marketplace coming in at a decent disc size..
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